Something to remember, as we enter a new year: Yesterday's history, Tomorrow is a mystery and Today is a gift, that's why it is called "the present". [Via]

Monday, March 15, 2010

The average American will no longer exist...

The average American will no longer exist and the Prescott-Oakland Point neighborhood is no exception.

Since 2000, the Prescott-Oakland Point neighborhood has experience some amazing diversity. New residents from all continents - Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, South America and other parts of North America now share the Prescott-Oakland Point neighborhood.

The 2010 census survey includes counting same sex couples, will validate what some residents already know, by providing local government a accurate accounting of the diversity we have experienced.  City services and others should take note.

Census History

The Constitution of the United States Article 1, section 2 ratified in 1789, mandated that an "actual Enumeration" of the nation's population be made at ten-year intervals anticipating geographic and demographic dynamism.

The intent of the census was to provide a snapshot of the nation and illustrate the issues most relevant.

The first census, which was more than just a head count but used to divide political representation, was taken in 1790, where enumerators asked for the name of the head of the family and number of persons in each household within specific categories.

The 1850 census included "social statistics" questions about taxes, schooling, crime, "pauperism" and also took censuses of industry, agriculture, and mortality.

The 2010 Census promises to be the shortest in history: 10 questions in 10 minutes. The questions will include: name, age, sex, date of birth, Hispanic origin, race, ethnicity, relationship (to the first name listed on the form), and housing tenure (whether a family owns or rents their home). Same-sex married couples will be counted for the first time.

The longer portion of the census was replaced by the once every five years American Community Survey which samples a small number of households across the country on a regular basis to obtain important data about the demographics of the country.

Global Positioning Systems

The Census Bureau will use Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to determine the exact geographic location of each housing unit which is critical to ensure that when they publish the census results for the entire country, broken down by various geographic areas ranging from states, counties, and cities, to census blocks, they accurately represent the data for the area.

Key Census Dates:

March 2010 — Census forms are mailed or delivered to households

April 2010 — National Census Day — use this day as a point of reference for mailing in your completed forms

April - July 2010 — Census takers visit households that did not return a form via mail

December 2010 — The Census Bureau delivers population information to the President for distribution

March 2011 — The Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states


I like most probably never thought of a fines associated with the census survey. So I thought I would provide some information for those living under the radar. The U.S. Census Bureau can impose fines for failing to answer the 2010 Census questions or for intentionally providing false information. According to Title 13, Section 221 (Census, Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers) of the United States Code, persons who fail or refuse to respond to the mail-back census form, or refuse to respond to a follow-up census taker can be fined up to $100. Persons who knowingly provide false information to the census can be fined up to $500.